So, on Wednesday morning I woke up and it was raining. Dean had to work until five. When I went over to the hotel, they just wanted to go shopping or something since it was cold and nasty outside. We went to the Southe Town Mall, it's a two story mall kinda like the town center in Charleston but with some different stores. There we shopped for about three hours or so. My grandparents bought me so boots for the winter, they wouldn't let me leave there without getting them. We just had lunch at the food court there. Then we went back to the hotel for a little bit, then headed up to Park City. Up in Park City it was snowing and super cold. They went and drove up Main Street and then shopped around the tanger outlets there, while I went to work to teach a few quick classes. Dean picked me up and went to dinner. Some people told me that Ohh Shucks and Ahh Sushi was a really good resturant to go to if someone wanted sushi and others wanted other stuff. So, I was super excited to eat there but turns out it wasn't that good, the sushi was good but dean didn't like his fish tacos and I guess there Chili was not that great so I was upset with my pick but oh well. After that we drove back to Midvale and took them to there hotel. Dean and I used there hot tub again then went back to our house. We got ready really fast then went to the airport to pick up Josh and Betsy. Then we came back to our place and just hung out and talked for a while then headed to bed.
On Thursday, Our original plan was to go to storm mountain and climb a little and build a fire and take it easy but since it snowed it was super cold there. So, Josh Dean and I went to the climbing gym for a little bit while Clyde and My grandpa watched us. Betsy, Becky, and my grandma went to the mall for a little bit. After that we ate at a cafe thats kinda like panera bread, I miss panera bread! Then Dean really wanted to go to this antique car museum, so we went there. It was interesting, it wasn't what we thought it was going to be but they did have lots of cars. After that, we were taken to walmart by Dean's parents and my grandparents. They forced us to pick out some things we needed. There way too kind. We got a swifer, a space heater, and some other suff. It really helps us alot. I am so thankful for all of them, and for my family and Deans family. We feel so lucky to have great families that are so caring and giving. Anyways back on subject, then we went and unloaded everything then went to the cheesecake factory for dinner. It was so good, they give you way to much food. But we did get some cheesecake, just to go. After dinner I went back to the hotel with my grandparents for a little bit while Dean went to pick up his friend Nate from the airport. And after that we went to our place ate cheesecake and just hung out for a little bit.
So, at about 1:30 this morning Dean's mom called and said that there flight had been cancelled so there flight was a little bit later, I had to call my grandparents and tell them about it and I truly don't remember talking to them at all. But, anyways be got up at 6:30 and took them to the airport. I was sad to them all leave but I had a good time with them and I know they'll be back out sometime. I can't express how excited I am for Christmas. I just want to be home seeing everyone now! Thanksgiving is only two months away so thats when I will see Adriann next, thats too long though! Christmas is three, trust me I am counting down the days!